All of the 20/20 Hindsight viewer software is available for Windows, iOS, and Android. Please select below to visit the app store for your device to complete installation depending on which version you need.
For help importing clips from a Pack-n-Go (.exe) or Clips Package (.2020), click here for a step-by-step video and tutorial.

Hindsight Connect App
The Hindsight Connect app, the latest generation of Hindsight software, is for viewing MicroCAMs and 2020CAM Engines, version 5.0 and above, with support for viewing multiple cameras simultaneously as well as creating and downloading clips, and sharing clips with cloud services such as Dropbox and OneDrive in addition to the Hindsight proprietary cloud.
Note: The Connect app also supports importing Pack-n-Go clips packages for viewing. The Connect App Connect the Hindsight Clip Viewer which is no longer supported or maintained.
For importing clips from a Pack-N-Go Clips Package, or for viewing your MicroCAM or 2020CAM Engine version 5.0 or above, download the Hindsight Connect App:
Hindsight Connect Download Links

Hindsight Viewer App
The previous generation Hindsight Viewer application for MIcroCAM cameras with system software version 4.x.
Note: The Hindsight Viewer app does not connect to 2020CAM Engines or support viewing multiple cameras at once. This version should only be downloaded if you’re currently running an older MicroCAM.
Hindsight Viewer Download Links
If you’re not sure which version you need, please contact support for assistance.